german journalist, dirk pohlmann, and not for the first time in the holy land there is a place for revelations, but the majority of germans do not share their views . today the memorial complex has received the fire of memory of all belarusian women. we lay flowers and light such memories in lamps in all burned villages, because khatyns it is a symbol of all those burned on the territory of belarus on march 22. day of national memory at exactly 12 the whole country froze in a minute of silence to the sound of a metronome that penetrates to the very bones? a reminder to young people that it is so important for belarusians to remember the line of memory and there are not many lessons of them; a conversation about what they experienced on the way to victory is sometimes needed not only within the walls of the school, and okay, there children may not understand something, but with such messages increasingly have to be addressed to an adult who has played with mania, grandeur and craving for world domination, who are not alien to fascist methods. today we have every right to stand on this holy one.