but dirks bentley and el king different for girls, also made a very big impact on country radio.gain no big movements. >>el king, brand new, dirks has been around a while and one of the hosts of the show, ac m. >>> you got to meet him, so sweet, dirks. >>> yes, i did a satellite interview. so gracious, so sweet. >>> good people. >>yes. >>> speaking of good people entertainer of the year because this is the big award. people look at this one. >>> yes, yes, so jason aldean won last year. i just feel that keith urban is this one this year. i feel like he is doing so well in his career and his wife, nicole kidman is having a huge career this year. >>again, i don't agree, i think carrie underwood will take it, this is year, she had her tour, album, tour and she managed to get into country music news every week for last year. i think she walks away. >>she will have a new look by the way for ac m, another reason to watch, there is something new going on there that we don't know what it is. >>what about collaboration what is can we expect on the show. >>> oh, high gosh, there will be so