are kebing off the high school basketball season tonight on vinton shellsburg will be hosting dirsville beckman. >> and we do have have a tally update on our fill the plate telethon. $105,000. >> and we're going to be here until 10:30 tonight. so you can donate tonight if you haven't. or go to to donate online. no problems at all. in fact we take a look at our forecast. clouds will thicken up. thank you so much for joining us here you go, pad thai, no peanuts. but does it have peanut oil? i'm not sure. everyone keep an eye on howard in case he starts to swell up. since it's not bee season, you can have my epinephrine. are there any chopsticks? you don't need chopsticks. this is thai food. here we go. thailand has had the fork since the latter half of the 19th century. interestingly, they don't actually put the fork in their mouth-- they use it to put the food on a spoon, which then goes into their mouth. for a napkin. i dare you. (knocking) i'll get it. do i look puffy? i feel puffy. hey, leonard. oh, hi, penny. am i interrupting? no. sheldon: you're not swelling, howard. wolowitz: no,