freeze right there, dirtball! come on! let's go! up against the wall quick! 10-4! 10-4! up against the wall! we're gonna play a game called hide-and-seek. close your eyes and count to infinity! infinity? that's ridiculous. count! all right! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, [ customers laughing ] hey, where'd he go? what are you laughing at? there was no gun. that guy mork had his finger in your back. yeah?! in that case, he just became an endangered species. yah! of lunch on the planet earth. it wasn't? no! for one thing, i don't usually get attacked. see, i don't like getting attacked. why didn't you stop him? i keep forgetting you just don't understand, do you? look, mork, that guy was a stupid creep. somebody should have made him stop. mindy, you don't understand. you see, orkans abolished violence a long time ago. we consider it humiliating. that you needed to protect? oh, yes, it was my girlfriend zundera mae joe bob. girlfriend? i thought orkans had no emotions. we're still assigned someone to go swimming with so we don't drown. how romantic. well, what ever happened to, uh...