great rms staging a force to counter violent extremists, wonderful for humanitarian assistance, disasterrelief, or ecutexa neo and bring evacuees back on board for some period of time, but they are not lpor lha. we recognize that but will take every vaj we have to the training opportunities allowed, which could be comman control, hell-born operations, and in some ways looking at connectors that operate with the ip the other part we haven't really taabout beyond auxiliaries and l class is what do marines do differently beyond? what capabilities could be put aboard lcs that we haven't explored. small craft on destroyers and cruisers, there is capability we can put on those, not always high end, but just enough to give the adversary something different to think about. we are going to get create wfb everything that floats-- with everything that floats to explore and innovate with the navy any way we can. >> i age complely. i think it is certainly all the work i have done, since the combination of command an control, capability in one platform, that you can get bits and pieces of in other platforms