i didn't want to use my abandoned disdissertation and had little time for research. so i thought i would take up franklin roosevelt's write to see what he had written before he was president. so i ordered copies of the article from the fining aids of fdr's writings, especially from the 1920s when he was in private life and trying to recover and had used writing as a kind of therapy for himself. when i read the airlines discovered to my great surprise that fdr hat written several pieces on diplomatic relations between the united states and japan which he wanted to improve. but he declared that the largest sticking point in relations between japan and the united states was the question of japanese immigration, and fdr in the 1920s, added that the exclusion of japanese immigrants from the united states and the discriminatory laws that kept them from owning property and becoming citizens were justified because they kept racial impurity against enter marriage. i thought, if that's what the thought in the 1920s, what did he think in the 1940s? what was the relationship bet