. -- disincentiveihwhw conservati. supposed to have a plan for the dam back in the mid- 1990's. there was a proposal from a fish and wildlife. we have not had that for 20 years. the ecosystem project is now way overdue. that is all information that would be helpful with the transfer. if we have problems, we have to challenge early and often. that is going to be very problematic. we are hoping to rebuild the trust we have shared with you for the last four years. president moran: thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i am here because of the article in the paper this morning that left a lot of unanswered questions. the puc and the pacific rod and gun club. the lease calls for 4 acres, so they have been squatting on additional 10 acres. here is another thing that has never been brought up. the rod and gun club has zone off about eight or 9 acres of water. you should also be mindful that 's, let's san francisco police department, who has a shooting range, also shot over the water. for safety reasons, at city hall te