have an important part to play and i think is something that is important to the proper sanctions, disprince and rewards of the financial system of the future. >> do you see it as being pract cal? >> yes. >> thank you. >> we mover now on to the second theme, recovery from the recession, led by edward lee. >> we all hope that next spring we will indeed be recovering from the recession. but we will be be faced with some very difficult choices because we will have a budget deficit of 14%. for every four pounds that we spend, we will be borrowing one pound. so some very difficult choices will have to be made. do you not think that we should have an open debate now about what we intend to do with our public services, and in particular, about where cuts should fall? >> well, first of all, we've got to get back to growth, and we've got to get back to employment in the economy. the major determinant of our deficit and debt is the level of growth and indirectly, the level of employment in the economy. so the first priority is to get growth and employment into the economy. and that is why we are spend