director of mexican language at [speaker not understood] school that is saving the mission district and the city of san francisco for the past 45 years, providing work force development projects and health, hospitality, [speaker not understood], office technology, and graduated over 28,000 students, who are parents of our san francisco unified school district. as you may also know, i have been a member of the [speaker not understood] for 12 years. and i know how much time and work you have to invest, and i wanted to take this opportunity with everyone here speaking this afternoon to thank you for your work on behalf of our city. i'm here to ask you to take the necessary steps to make the mexican museum a reality. as an educator, i see things from the eyes of our children and young adults and, of course, the culture value of the mexican museum will strengthen their [speaker not understood], sensitivity, and self-esteem that as you know, the children of our community needs so much. i know that you have to ask questions and do your homework, but at the end ~ i know you will support this project that will make the mexican museum a trust a reality. to the city, our children and to the latino