and the greatest bear of all time, coach mike ditka.h, you've been quoted as saying a lot of things. yesterday's history, tomorrow is a mystery. today is a gift which is why they call it the present. and i got to say today is a gift for me as a sports fan. so i appreciate you being here. i appreciate it. thank you very much. you know, coach, when i first got here to chicago, the legendary tales of you guys playing across the street here, in wrigley. we had a lot of fun. and it made me a cubs fan. i was a st. louis cardinals fan growing up because of stan musial. but i became a cubs fan, i'll always be a cubs fan. so now we know. so cubs. sox or cubs? - sox. - sox. cubs. i mean you got to be, you're right across the street. black hawks. black-- (chuckle). coach, favorite memory as a player. the '63 championship. i mean, green bay, they were the best team in football. i mean, how the hell we beat them that year-- i don't know but we did. how about as a coach? super bowl '85. i thought you were going to say hanging out with me today. yeah,