they had a store on divisadero street, they weren't able to sustain that, but they owned the building, and because of the c.u.s in that area -- or sorry, the restrictions around formula retails in that area, they weren't able to find a lease for a really long time, and you know, then, once they did find a potential tenant, they had to go through this whole c.u. process. and so what would -- what would you say to an example like that, like, where you, again, have a small business owner in this case who's trying -- is there a reporting process in which they can kind of show their due diligence in this time or anything like that? >> yeah. thank you for that, and i think both comments -- you know, this is definitely part of the thinking around the refund is that we do want to -- we know that there are some -- i'm trying to think of the word -- kind of serial vacancies whereby there are those owners that are kind of like, they've been vacant for 15, 20 years, and those are the folks that i think is very frustrating. i think we don't want to penalize, though, property owners that are operat