. —— to land a fatal blow, a chance missed by divock origi. chance missed by divock origi. liverpooladvance, but they know they have been in a battle. 2-0, 3-0 would have been com pletely battle. 2-0, 3-0 would have been completely ok, i am fine with 1—0, i said we did not want to go to extra time, no penalty shoot. leaving plymouth, as nice as it is here, as early as possible, because the next game is waiting, so all good. early as possible, because the next game is waiting, so all goodlj think that over the two games we have done exceptionally well against liverpool, especially in the first after night, we created a number of good opportunities, and even in the half we hit the post as well. the players are very proud of their performance, and the supporters are as well. so derek adams rightly proud of his side here, but we had jurgen klopp talking about how the games have been coming thick and fast for liverpool, we know his priority is the premier league, but his young side have just about done thejob, his young side have just about done th