>> guest: some of them -- one of them was dixie walker. these are called in the people's choice with burke remains who patrol the outfield for the brooklyn dodgers. johnny murphy at the new york yankees. montemayor and, shortstop of the road champion 1946 world champion st. louis cardinals. these were some of the pioneers. of course the players that year, the first year 1946 that i fell in love with the game were trying to protest their conditions, not simply by negotiating new pension schemes, not simply by trying to be involved with the union, but also some of them are going south of the border to join the mexican league, which was enticing some of the outstanding star south of the border and i talk in the book about what we as kids saw him observed that some of these fellows went down there. they were disappointed and they try to come back and reclaim their status and they initiated antitrust litigation, antitrust laws and or to import the gore argument that players have used beyond the collective bargaining process is self. >> host: mr