chris: so after i started this community, diydrones, and it takes off, people started talking about doinghings together. designing drones. the software, the hardware, etc. initially, i started putting parts into cardboard pizza boxes with my children. that was the manufacturing line. that did not work well. it was clear, you know, that it had to be like a real company. making real stuff, that was someone doing it full-time. i invited the smartest guy on the site and said, you want to start a company with me? and he said sure. first, it was like him in his garage. then it was him and a bigger garage and then him with other people. initially, he was 19 in tijuana, mexico, he just graduated from high school. by the time we started the company, he was maybe 20 or 21. by the time it was 2012, he had been doing it for a couple of years. it was -- the company was doing like $5 million in revenues. i realized he had built a real company with his friends, many of them from tijuana. and i am like, this is amazing. it is ready to go to the next stage. we raised venture capital round, i quit my job a