and with djemilah's, we had this cover over the rv and one day we were just sitting outside and we werese." and then we just did it. we just started going. i we had the audacity to try. yeah _ it's been really great for ouri children, especially the girls, because we have three girls to watch their mums - create their homes. we have this kind of little i tiny collective of two houses where we get to live next. to each other and cooperate and have a little community and also have our own - separate spaces - where we canjust kind of, yeah, live our lives and have _ some peace and heal after all of the - life that happened between us. and we've got four kids - that share this space with us, and we're really excited to keep growing. - brooke and djemilah have built something special. when i spoke to them, they said they thought they'd been lucky. that was also a word my mum used. so i wanted to speak to someone who helps mums that aren't so lucky. you work with single mums, right? and what kind of things do you help them with with this charity? so the main thing that's coming up a lot is ho