it's legal tender for a dlal, and some pim say well, it's legal tender, and it's a dollar and it's on the books and they use it and get into big trouble. the government closes them down and you can get arrested for that. what's wrong with talking about parallel currencies and competing currencies. this is something that i think would be a compromise and that we could work along those views. >> first of all, good to see you again, congressman paul. one word on the inflation. of course, those numbers constructed by the bury reof labor statistics and not by the fed, they're done in a serious and thoughtful way on alternative currencies, nobody prevents you from holding the silver or gold. it's perfectly legal to do that. it's also perfectly fine to hold other currencies or whatever else. in that respect, you can do that. i'd be happy to talk to you about other options. >> that's not money. when you pay taxes to buy a coin or have capital gains tax. if you have to settle a lawsuit, it's always settled in depreciating federal reserve notes. it's never settled in the real contract. that's n