because that is one of the last independent newspapers here and its editor dmitri morris harp, who share the nobel peace prize last year, says his paper could be on the verge of shutting down. that's because, according to him, anything that's not propaganda is being eliminated. sources of laurie al jazeera, moscow, or catholic healy is with the university, missouri school of journalism in the us. she says, journalist no matter where they're based, we'll find ways to report news to russians. i think that's the thing. i think that's why putin is so frustrated because nobody believes is propaganda. and, and so it's, it's very difficult for him to get his message across. and he thinks that by stifling other voices, somehow he'll be able to dominate the conversation. but instead, you know, it really shows him the gas lights are off. now. this is a guy who's been gas lighting world through social media through spreading lies on social media. that's why i find that the shut down of facebook. so ironic and, and now he's turned up the lights and exposed himself for exactly what he is, which is i'