dmitry cherkasov, elena stepanova, dmitry kechkin was appointed to lead the duty department as the newepartment for the chechen republic, ramzan kadyrov announced this in his official telegram channel. the head of chechnya has already discussed with dmitry kechkin ways of further cooperation on security issues. and at the same time he joked that there would be little work, saying that the republic is one of the calmest regions of the country, just to see what is happening. and since we have the calmest region of the russian federation, we will try to fulfill the tasks that are assigned to us, dmitry kechkinn has held the position of head of the fsb of russia department for the republic since october 2022 ingushetia, before that he worked in the same department in dagestan. this weekend , watch on the russia 24 tv channel petrov’s investigation into the collapse of the aksai cherkizon. chinese markets, larger in size than the notorious capital cherkizon, worked like clockwork, representatives of the fsb suspected the co-owners of the market of laundering millions. i'm not a new russian,