not enough 8.5 40 but wait, 4000 km means minus minus minus 4.0 hours means 50 hours. answers dmitry koldonn the area, about 20, not somewhere, but somewhere, their ground speed is more than a thousand k, the answer is 48, yours, well, we they thought that this was the ninetieth year, up to a thousand. they had a cruising speed, yes, well, 800, from this we concluded that it was somewhere around 68 hours with a delay there of turbulence of 68, 68, and especially since this is a version, come up with another, and we your version? anna, yes, dear, these are all the conditions for victory, we are a team, you are an athlete, and which is your strongest, left or right, here are both, both, twist with two, so, minus one, minus 15, almost, almost, almost , this is all for you, collect, this is infinity, nine points, in total, anna banchikova brings her well done team, the winners are awarded statues created by artificial intelligence, and i invite the winners here to the center of the hall, denis kazansky, dmitry koldon, maria golubkina. and sava savchenko, i want to thank your rivals, you were be