cook-loft i’m an artist dmitry osinnikov cook-loft i’m an artist dmitry osinnikov cook-loft i can already exist on pseudonym just didn’t exist on pseudonym just didn’t exist on instagram before and now the second name is the name instagram before and now the second name is the name instagram before and now the second name is the name which can from time to time distract which can from time to time distract which can from time to time distract from my russian surname [000:15:53;00] yasu the creators of the aunt aunt project is a yasu the creators of the aunt aunt project is a yasu the creators of the aunt aunt project is a project of the project of the project of the soviet period and soviet period and soviet period and pre-revolutionary homosexual men pre-revolutionary homosexual men pre-revolutionary homosexual men also gathered in the tauride garden, also gathered in the tauride garden, also gathered in the tauride garden, this is evidenced by, for example, an entry in the this is evidenced by, for example, an entry in the this is evidenced by, for example, an entry in the diary of the