where it states replacement windows should match the historic windows in size, dmraezing, operation and material, finish exterior profile and arrangement. section 4d further clarifies where visible from the street aluminum or vinyl windows cannot be approved for replacement windows that were originally wood -- windows. the respondent claims the character of the immediate vicinity of the issue. the vinyl windows prevail in the immediate vicinity she claims. again this argument is indirect contradiction to the standard setforth for window replacement document. exhibit 3 page nine where the following question is asked. many of the building in my neighborhood already have vinyl wnd owes or aluminum or fiberglass windows, why can't i have similar windows approved in my building. the question answers the following. the primary character of the citywide the department acknowledges that windows maybe in consistent with the original design and intent of older structures. in addition it is i ampossible that the windows have been done without a permit or contrary to the scope of work out lined in