good day and dmytro boyarchuk, economist , executive director of the center for socio-economic researchaine, we welcome you, dmytro, glory to ukraine, what about the exchange rate of the euro against the hryvnia hurts ukrainians, but we understand that sooner or later it would have to happen , what was the reasoned decision and what is possible for us, uh, potentially dangerous consequences for our economy and financial system, it mitigated p. mykhailo, well, first of all, there was a big problem with the reduction of uh, gold and foreign currency reserves of the national bank, in the past months, uh, the regulator spent up to 4 billion uh dollars on a month for currency interventions because of the shortage of foreign currency in the country and, in principle, the second point why this decision to raise the exchange rate was so sharp and painful is that the previous decision on february 24 to fix the exchange rate of the hryvnia to the dollar and not to the euro was the only one probably correct at that time but looking back, it was not very er not very pleasant in the sense that since