. >> hinojosa: so, what... you know, one of the things, dne, that actually, in preparing for this interview, i've spoken to other people who listen to your show, and you have so... you have such a loyal fan base, and i think, as you and i were speaking, it's because you're so intimate, you're so honest, you're so authentic, you're so real, you're so respectful. >> thank you. >> hinojosa: and there are other people who say, "you know what? i love diane, but i cannot listen. it is too difficult." and what i find interesting is when people say, "the fact that diane has..." and i don't know how you want to call it, but "a disability, and that she's on thair and i have to listen to it makes me realize that i am vulnerable, too. anything could happen to me, too. there but for the grace of god go i. it could be me." and the fact that you're there and still doing it is hugely important, but then at the same time, kind of scary for people. >> and the fact that npr, that sirius satellite, that armed forces radio network have continued carry me and to expand coverage all over the world says to me that