event, the apostle and evangelist luke reports that the lord brought them out. from the city of dobethania and then, raising his hands, blessed them; when he blessed them at that moment, the lord began to move away from them and ascend to heaven. even before his crucifixion and resurrection from the dead, the lord told his disciples that when his earthly ministry was completed, he would have to leave them. evangelist luke says that after the ascension of christ, the apostles returned to jerusalem with great joy. why is that? because even during his earthly life the lord uttered such words. i will not leave you orphans. i'll come to to you. a little more and the world will no longer see me. and you will see me, for i live. ascending, christ... abandons the earthly world, but does not leave those who believe in him, and continues to be present next to us, but invisibly, the first christians clearly realized this important truth, so a tradition arose among them to greet each other with the words, christ is among us, and there will be an answer to this greeting, with these words today during t