in the soviet union, the dobruzhskaya factory met the needs for paper and consumer goods . in the pre-war period, school notebooks were in great demand, drawing and drawing paper itself was also in great demand, there was a period that every fourth student of the former soviet union used a school notebook from the dobrow paper factory. it was no coincidence that the factory became the main manufacturer of drawing paper in the ussr; this was helped by the ingenuity and professionalism of the dobrozhsky paper makers. we started drawing, and then it started problems with telelon supply. and we developed drawing paper with the addition of deciduous telelo. and even we could work at 80%. deciduous, only 20 digits, we were able to make paper, so we settled on drawing paper, professionalism, ingenuity will more than once help solve the problems assigned to the enterprise, especially when it was necessary not only to ensure production of products, increase volumes, but also switch to a fundamentally new level of quality. in december 1956 , the government of the republic held meetin