six months after he got back from the surge, doc krebbs was transferred from fort carson to fort belvoir virginia, where he finally got proper help after three years of suffering from ptsd. it's now almost a year since krebbs tried to kill himself. he's just retired from the military. the army is providing him with disability payments as compensation for his ptsd. he's come up to the rockies for a weekend with david nash, his old friend from third platoon. >> i'm very optimistic about the future now. i feel like i can actually go somewhere now. for the last year, i knew i wasn't going to be getting promoted or staying in the military, and you just feel like you're stuck. and there's nothing you can do about it because there literally is nothing that you can do about it. and now that i'm out, it's... you know, i can go to school now, i can do what i want to do and actually do somethinwi my life other than go fighting wars i don't believe in. >> haji comes out of an alley, just like ka-ka-ka-ka spray and pray, and not sergeant brooks but the other guy, what's his name? >> i forget his name