if she draws your number, you are the winner of a brand new dodge durango.r! oh my gosh. - all right. - i won the car? - you won the car. - oh my god, thank you. - she said, "i won the car! are you serious, i won the car!" [people applaud] - you got a dodge durango. - oh my god. - tell me what just happened? - i won the suburban. - [man] it's actually a dodge durango. - oh, whatever, i won, whatever i won. thank you all. [people cheer] i said, "i'm gonna win the car." and that's only reason i'm here. and i won the car! [soft piano music] - she sold it back to oaklawn, which is probably one of the better things to do. 'cause taxes and stuff on that thing are so high. so, you have to pay probably seven or eight, $9,000 in sales tax and all that stuff on it. so, gift tax and all that. - i went and got it off the billboard, so i could drive it around. so this is my car i won, my suv. [birds tweet] [playf music] - down around the lake shore you would see one goose come up the hillside, you'd see his head, he was the scout. and he'd be looking around kinda cautiou