snjezana novakovic-bursac is parliamentarian representing dodik's party.en version of that genocide law, calling the original discriminatory. >> our proposed law was intended to regulate the abuse of the term "genocide" because the term is used so broadly that it is devalued, and also it is very often used from the highest political offices to discredit the republika srpska and one ethnic group but my colleagues did not understand that, so my bill was not adopted. >> reporter: she says the current law is just another example of the international community eroding republika srpska's rights given to them by the dayton peace agreement, leading it to push for its own, independent institutions. the high representative has said that by creating a separate judiciary council, taxation system, army, that that is equal to secession. >> it is not equal to secession. these combined state institutions were created under thname of better functionality and understanding, but instead brought us into conflict and non-functionality. even if we once agreed on something, we s