they have to be part of the development to be doe ployed. that requires education. >> have we another question down here. when other people come to answer later on. you can touch earlier questions as well. . . intellectual rights regime is going to help us with innovation? at its worst, it to be a the keeper -- it can be a gate keeper. is ipr or to help us for will be a hindrance? >> i am certainly looking at the u.s.. i did not think it is on -- any other statement that it is broken in dated at the very least. my view is that the system this setup today, we are probably a sign up to protect industries that made massive capital investments, but as it was said, we have too much work to do i do not know how many people noticed, but if for some sign of all patents will fail. you put in place a system that does not accelerate innovation. maybe it did 50 years ago, but today, it dramatically dampens innovation in favor of business models that are protected more than they should be use. >> i am partial responsible for him, giving the term open sou