when his love of dogsledding compelled him to start his company, a business which takes people on dogsleddinges. opening the business was a dream come true, but even before he hung up his shingle, he knew the sledding would not pay for itself. >> the restaurant came by as a financial support system for the dogs. >> it sounds crazy. support one risky business, dogsledding, with another risky business, the restaurant business. that's what he did. >> i had a lot of energy. >> dan not only created the idea for the restaurant, he actually built it himself. >> a lot of these logs were put in not only by myself, but a lot of help along the way from other people. a lot of love went into this place. >> he could have supported the sledding doing something else, but that would have been somewhere else. >> a restaurant made sense, because i could do it here with the dogs. >> soon after it opened, the restaurant started to do what it was meant to do, generate cash. >> the restaurant was highly successful, especially financially. >> dan attributes the success of the restaurant partly to the beautiful locat