. >> doink, there it goes. >> the tip jar. >> the tip jar. it's not just for tips, the money was earmarked for the children's hospital of oakland. they usually collect anywhere between $300 and $500. guys who own the store have followed it up. >> what she won't do is make a sway for what i'm trying to do. >> that's eric who does a lot of charity and community work throughout the bay area. and they're not having it. >> hopefully they will secure the jars. because it stinks to see that money walk away. >>> the next security camera is from a phoenix neighborhood. you start to see a guy walk up, black t-shirt, blue jeeps, sort of a shaved head. walks right into the open garage door as that gray car in the background that dropped him off drives down the street not ten seconds later he's going to ride out the cruise mountain bike. when i say some of these videos hit close to home, that's my uncle's house in phoenix, arizona, near lincoln and the 51. so if you see any clowns riding around with an orange santa cruz mountain bike, i'm officially here