well, dokani is several times larger, an excellent indicator by world standards, the mine will be able 70 years. and these are only explored reserves. this is one of the uh, richest deposits in the world. it ranks third in copper content and first in russia. 20. 6.7 million tons of copper are worked on shifts by specialists, with high salaries from all over the country. high demands of the entire complex of enterprises, designed for 6,000 jobs; another 20,000 will appear in related areas, significant social and economic effect on the local village. chara has already felt the influx of finances, a public garden has been built and the village school has been renovated. there will even be a virtual reality class here. i've been at this school since ninety. well, no one helped us, because they help us to the end. today we will talk to you about culture in lessons - we study what was created by human hands and what nature created. they see every day outside the window, transbaikalia is a land of unprecedented contrasts. here glaciers coexist with the desert. it's actually very amazing that