roth also trained a young teacher named dolores huerta and gilbert padilla, dry cleaning establishment, cso activist. and chavez and padilla joined forces to form the united farm workers union and the movement starting in the '60s. during his 15 year tenure with the ufw, fred roth, senior, trained 2000 organizers who led worker strikes and consumer boycotts in every major u.s. and canadian city leading to major gains for farm workers and to the 1975 california agricultural labor relations act which remains the strongest labor law in the nation today. author and labor historian barry mcwilliams, the author of factories in the field of southern california country in island on the land and a long-time editor of the nation magazine describes fred roth as, "an unsung hero" and called him a man of exasperating modesty, the kind that never sleeps, that never steps forward to claim his fair share of credit for any enterprise in which he is involved. i just wanted to ask, colleagues, if you'll join me with the many community based groups in labor in supporting fred roth in your -- for this meda