dom giordano of our sister station talk radio wpht is joining us now from the retreat in center city to talk more about what happened today and president trump, dom, thanks so much for being with us. i want to talk about those job approval ratings, first because that is 36 percent of americans voters a roof, 36 percent approval rating, what do you think on that? >> well, i think he is a very controversial figure, we know that but i can tell thaw 46 percent is engaged by and large, the base of it, that is what he is asking, and his job approval, as a president is going to be determined by whether he brings jobs back, whether he keeps america safe. all this other stuff, all of the distractions and all might be a bit entertaining but ultimately that is going to be the core of whether people support him or not, particularly after the first 100 days. they have to see movement on these things, otherwise, this other stuff will be tiresome. >> let's talk about the border wall with mexico. we get news that mexican president has cancelled his trip to washington. the president says that he is mo