after the death of dometian, the apostle john returned to exile. to the city of ephesus.he bishops and elders of the church of ephesus showed him the three gospels, written by the apostles matthew, mark and luke. having confirmed their authenticity, the apostle john considered it necessary to write another gospel, supplementing it with the missing points, which he, as the last surviving eyewitness, understood well. at the same time, this was extremely important due to the spread of several active gnostic sects that humiliated and even denied the divine dignity of the savior. a strong word was needed to counterbalance these misconceptions. in his gospel, the apostle john outlined the conversations of jesus christ that he said in judea. in terms of their content, they were difficult to understand, since they were addressed to literate scholars. probably for this reason they were not included in the first three gospels that were. intended for new christians. starting to compile the gospel, the apostle john retired with his disciple-prokhor to the mountain, where he wrote the