time by the political character and culture of chicago is completely formed by these jane wilkinson tom dominicaracters. we actually haven't talked about it before. there is a conspiracy to establish midwestern republic. maybe people realize chicago was in a different time zone and invite me to do a radio show. >> this one is about Ãbabout this great quote from goldwater that i love which is that coldwater said he Ãblbj made a great presidential campaign commercial about that 1964 and then in dragon land in the late 70s the southwest is basically cursing for using too much oil. this is kind of return of most people don't really realize it was there. i was wondering if you could talk a little bit about geographical tensions in the 60s and 70s and how much you way back to generational gaps. it's really interesting you could definitely reread some sources in light of that insight there was a guy at him if he still around, our wonderful british journalist he wrote the best book about the 1968 election that came out the year after he wrote a wonderful book that you should read called, he wrote a gre