grant, don carlos buell, and the united states army the next morning. we've actually moved out from pittsburgh landing area and grant's last line to discuss the second day fighting here at shiloh. throughout the history of the battle, second day has kind of got shortened on any major discussion or interpretation. primarily, that has a great deal to do with the fact that overnight, grant received sizeable reinforcement. you know, johnston was hoping to do battle before buell had arrived. well, unbeknownst to johnston, buell had arrived. in fact, buell's advance division had reached savannah, tennessee, on april the 5th. he had not simply arrived at pittsburgh landing, but he had made the juncture with grant and was in striking distance of reinforcing grant as long as grant held access to pittsburgh landing and the ability to get troops across the river. buell actually comes in on steam boat. meanwhile, nelson's crossing over land to a point opposite, and the remainder of buell's column is slowly filing into savannah. they're not all going to be able to m