. >> at his office in baton rouge attorney don carmouche says these aerial photos are evidence against chevron and other oil industry. >> you can see the contamination, the killing of the marsh the additional erosion from the canals. those are man-made canals, they made them they didn't revegetate them, they didn't detoxify. by 1983 they had a requirement to re-vegetate detoxify and restore to its natural state, they did not. >> fast forward to 1983, by then you have continued significant production everywhere you see one of these little icons... >> half of its water. >> by then its beginning to erode and die. >> just in the space of 40 years >> just in that space. so you can imagine now fast forward to 2005. >> now here we are... >> oh my goodness. >> water. we've lost our land. >> all that land has disappeared. >> we've lost our land and they have an obligation under the 1978 law to restore that to its original condition, which is 1940. >> can the coastline be restored without industry help? >> no, no state's broke. no, can't be done. and why should it be? they're responsible. >> two