. >> i'm don hagerly. i'm the director for information security policy, security architecture, and focused operations at the department of homeland security. as a disabled veteran, one of many whose proven their heart for service by passing on higher-paying jobs in the private sector to work for the government, i'd like to note -- any of you to address -- exploit this proven resource. >> i'll start with that one. we have a very focused effort to recruit veterans. of our 230,000 employees, we have 50,000 veterans. we work with all the veterans groups. we go to the job fairs. we have special website postings for veterans. for the kind of work we do in many of our components veterans are ideally suited. they've already had training. they've already shown their dedication to protecting the american public. so it's a great resource for dhs. and we're doing everything we can to reach into the veterans community. we have veterans now returning from iraq and afghanistan. we want to give them opportunities as well.