beaten man. >> yet, another confrontation awaited jim jones when he sat down with nbc reporter don harriseone came and passed me this note. >> harris gave him vern gosney's note asking for help to go home. >> that's who we're talking about. he wants to leave his son here. >> in fact, vern gosney had to agree to leave his young son mark behind before jones would let him go. >> all the decisions around my son, i -- will haunt me for the rest of my life. >> jones raged at harris. >> people play games, friend. they lie. they lie. what can i do about liars? are you people going to -- leave us, i just beg you. please leave us bill, we will bother nobody. anybody who wants to get out of here can get out of here. they have no problem getting out of here. they come and go all the time. people like publicity. some people do. i don't. >> the sky turned black. the wind came up strong, and it was just torrential rain. >> when the rain came, the parks family and others took shelter in an open-air shed. that's little tracy parks on the right in the blue windbreaker. jim jones is there, too, talking with