don jensen, thanks very much. i want to go over to ron khrushch khrushchevski, a great friend of ours. ran, let me ask you right off, i hope you heard part of our conversation now. is this cyprus financial fiasco a stock market sideshow, in your judgment, or is there a bigger threat here? >> i think it's a sideshow, really, larry. it is the minnow that would swallow the whale. but the biggest issue is taxing depositors. that's at the core of capitalism. and that just doesn't make any sense. and that's the bigger issue, simply that. but cyprus is very small, and i can't imagine that they're going to allow this thing to take down the euro. that doesn't make any sense. >> but not so much taking down the euro. that's an interesting point, another side point that might become central. if there's a run on the cyprus banks, let's say they reopen them. i don't know, michelle caruso-cabrera, wasn't sure. nobody knows the answers. unless the russians make a deal, i don't know who want to keep their money in banks because th