here's john -- don jonathon. >> the fires in new south wales have been burning for over a week so now the threat level has been downgraded but there's question over who would pay for the damage after it was found the biggest fire this past week was caused by an army training exercise using explosives. now the premiere of new south wales stays military may have to foot the bill. >> property has been damaged. we need to set the compensation issues. that's what we are discussing. >> fire in question is still burning not far fr the town of lit gow. it's destroyed more than 40,000 and homes have been lost. many will question the wisdom f having soldiers working with exposure after unseasonably hot weather and the australian department of defense apologized but said it is too early to say whether it will pay compensation. meanwhile, the fires and linked to -- the prime minister resquected the idea describing it as hogwash. his environment minister accused mr. abbott's opponents as playing politics. >> we always accept the signs. and some will have differing views either way, we accept the s