it's a great time to double down on some of the issues that got beaten up overnight. >> don luskin, it's a throwaway line. here's obama on the super bowl interview. the guy's talking about raising taxes. he needs to go after investment partnership. harry reid wants to go after oil and gas companies and lord knows what. that kind of tax carpet bombing would generate a correction in the market. the market absorbed the last tax hike okay. but we don't want to push our luck, it seems to me. >> i think we're pushing our luck already. the market has yet to wake up to the reality of the last tax hike. the problem is obama puts the threats out because this is his way of premeg nating with republicans who are going to come to him in the debate about the sequesters and continuing resolution. obama is saying, don't even talk to me about entitlement reforms. if you oh mention those words it will be tax, tax, tax. i will control the public dialogue and that's all we'll e talk about. guys, fold your cards now. that's what this is about. i don't think there will be more tax hikes this year. there's als