there's a point where don mcgowan was directed by the president to do something that he thought wouldbstruction of justice. on june 17, 2017 the president called mcgowan at home and directed him to call acting attorney general and say that the special counsel had conflicts of interest and must be removed. mcgowan did not carry out the direction, however, deciding he would rather resign than triggering a saturday night massacre. then it goes on to describe the president's actions to try to elicit a prominent outside adviser to get involved. corey liewandowski had a one on one meeting on june 19, 2017 in the oval office. the president dictated a message for lewandowski to deliver to jeff sessions. the message said that sessions should publicly announce the investigation was very unfair from the president and the president had done nothing wrong. sessions planned to meet with the special counsel and let him move forward with the election meddling. lewandowski was to deliver this message to sessions. he met with him -- met again with the president the next day. the message had not been de