you are helping even tonight for example in police stations hospitals and in care homes president don meyer says he hopes germans can continue to find courage and optimism in the coming year so they can find the strength to create a better future. and you can watch president's timers speech in its entirety here on news at midnight berlin time that's then about 2 hours but next we shift our attention to remain here that country is marking 30 years since the execution of former dictator nicolae ceausescu and the overthrow of his communist regime while sharpe who remained here for over 2 decades that imposed a highly off are tearing former leadership on his country following a brief show trial he was executed along with his wife elena on christmas day 989. and ditto views are part search she joins us now he was there at that momentous time in history right after the execution of. take us back with you to that very moment when you arrived there would did you find well people were euphoric they were happy that ceausescu was gone and they wanted to have ample food supplies on the store shelves ag