i want to bring in don peebles, he owns a real estate development firm, he's a democrat, a top fund-raiser the obama campaign. good to see you. don, why has the president only come through on 37% of his promises? >> you know, politics is one of the areas, unlike business, in business you can underpromise and overdeliver and in politics you've got to overpromise to get elected, but let's look at this. the president has actually fulfilled many of his promises. he killed bin laden, he saved the automobile industry, he has stopped the foreclosure process significantly and the real estate market is actually on the way to recovery. his biggest failing i think is the deficit reduction. i think that's the biggest failing but overall if you look, politifact indicates with 37% of the promises fulfilled, only 16 broken, that's a pretty remarkable number when you compare this president to other presidents of the past. >> don, let's bring in ed lazear, economic adviser for president george w. bush who by the sway the president many democrats blame for getting into this recession. it did start on his wa