these attacks come from the same quarter don ricardo fought all his life. they seek to destroy the national culture and island of puerto rico and they have not succeeded and never succeed because there will always be puerto ricans like don ricardo standing defiantly and proudly in their way. this fact was driven home in congress just yesterday, mr. speaker. at a well-intended briefing conducted by the aclu, the national institute for puerto rican latino policy and the legal defense and education fund, as part of their briefing, these organizations showed a video depicting some of the many themes of violence by the police of puerto rico against unarmed and peaceful protestors. i have seen this video and i am certain that many members that see these images would be moved to indig nation and action, that these things happen under the american flag and these abuses are committed against american citizens is simply shameful. if any of my colleagues saw these images, i am sure they would feel the same thing i felt when i saw them. mr. speaker, it's out of my deep