we know the koch brothers, and don stier, george soros. but most of the people on the list, we don't know if they've -- if they are politically active or if they are active through the 501(c)4's and we can't know unless it leaks. -- is anan undefined unanswerable question. if so you have to answer by definition. >> i give you history instead. [laughter] >> that is helpful to have that background. ways, you go to the history and say and leaving aside the inflation point him a one million there was a big deal -- inflation point, when million there was a big deal. to capacity of the money influence politics has always been there. go back to robber barons. the lion era and look at the leave the rear era -- at buckley v. barrera. has a parallel to buckley. it has been there since 1974 and one question we can ask is not why is this happening now and no one hears about it but why wasn't it happening previously when limits on individual spending and expenditures had never been in place. it is fascinating to think about that question because there