>> don weiss, interim director of the marin energy authority. we began serving customers in may of this year after many years of study and investigation and preparation. we are now serving approximately 9500 customers. we consider that to be our phase 1 rollout, about 20% of the load in our jurisdiction. we will be rolling out phase two over the next year or so -- we are targeting january 2012. i will be our remaining 70,000 customers. since our launch, we have also been able to get some programs off the ground which were a part of our original vision. first of all, we had developed and adopted a net energy metering carrot which allowed customers to be paid for any access to energy they produced at their own place of business, residents, beyond what they use. we are allowing customers to roll their credit over month by month, year by year, and we are allowing customers to cash out if they generate more than they used. that option is not available currently through pg&e. we are excited about the way that this is producing local generation. we pay