so i was talking with donald kaberuka of the african development bank last week and he brought to my attention that now 54 sub-saharan african countries, 46 have proven energy reserves so the big issue for many of those countries is how transparent will they be, will they use it for inclusive growth, how do they avoid corruption, how do they take care of the environmental issues, how do they avoid dutch disease with the currencies. and so the bank has to figure out how to have development solutions related to that. i'll give you a very practical example of this. i have a morning staff meeting every morning. so i have all the vice presidents regional and functional and others. and one of the things we were talking about was how in some of the post conflict states that have good mineral resources they've got big mining companies but one of the presidents said it's him with the mining companies. and so could he get some legal help. we do some of that, but one of the things that we talked about is developing kind of the quicker response capacity whether it's you know, a chinese or europe